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Sunday, 1 January 2017

Female Mind

I have came to the realization of females becoming worse than men.. In all situations. But where does this come from? Have men had a bad impact on us? Are they the wrong role models for us? Is being surrounded by a lot of men bad for us? I know being raised by my father wasn't a choice I'd pick if I had the choice to pick it. I know myself also being in a family of mainly men, they do teach me a lot of the mans perspective in situations. Does this make us develop the personality of a man?.. I've always tried to get along with females and it has never worked and sometimes I do think about a lot of men are totally opposite of women in a lot of situations, When I've had problems with females, male relatives have always said to me ' You girls are crazy' 'You girls take it to far'..etc... but anyway, being in a family of mainly males, I prefer their perspective than a females, like I said above they teach me things.. I don't believe in this two faced and jealousy thing. I don't believe in ganging up with other girls on one person. And I know alot of men don't do this. I feel their 'role modelling' has an affect on us and we copy them but we do worse and also add that little extra to it. And this leads me to what I want to say,

Even 20+ year old females and even females who are mothers can still be the 'Queen Bee' and have that group where they bully girls and be bitchy..etc... This crap is something from primary and high school and it saddens me to see them like this and have that mentality. It saddens me even more when they have their blind followers, what 'Queen Bee' does, her minions do the same. I won't be surprised when 'Queen Bee' says jump and they ask 'How high?'. Is this the world we live in? People don't have their own mind and actually can't step back and say No? Because they have the fear of losing a 'friend'. I thought I'd never see the day when grown women go through this and are scared to lose a friend. I never thought I'd see grown women allowing someone the 'Queen Bee' to walk over them. 'Queen Bee' is the 'top dog' they like to see it as LOL they go out their sad lives to repeat their attempt to cause harm for others and even others who are 'lesser power' and most of the time all of this harm is because they fear that, THAT someone they trying to bully and harm and it also comes from their jealousy of that someone so they have to try and put that person down so the bully can 'be big' and overcome that someone. The 'Queen Bee' and even bullies in general see theirselves as positive and always right. Bullies bully because they have a fault within their self and they think if others are miserable as them then it will make the bully happier. 

I really hope and pray that this mentality is dissolved and alot of these females can grow up before their life goes by and they've missed out on better and beneficial things in life. Dedicating your life to bullying and manipulating people is such a loss and a time waste.